Junie, seventeen, it the last year of her secondary school life, that's a Yay.
drawing is a yes, but........ i'm kind of sick of it.i need new things okay. something fresh.
so i come here to post, hmmm? blogging. ha ha. okay where is the linked here. You might get confuse now.okay you wont understand what I'm thinking. teehee. men cologne, dream catcher, pretzel , kisses. |
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Design: doughnutcrazyIcon: morphine_kissed |
hello(x today went to alot place .
first elaine bear and me, went to check tha price for the class t-shirts. then went concourse buy big big balloon. one for 4 dollars lo. anyway, gonna claim my money back from teacher lo. went to bugis too. helping elaine find nice bag. and my wallet. but end up never buy anything AGAIN. and they saw alot people on the way. hahas. on da way back lar, to tam. eat dinner , then bear got alot problem eating that bowl of laksa. in the mrt keep on laughin. dumbb i have stm-ness i cant remember what they say ler. and i'm only left with one chance. i'm not gonna say that 'WORD'. gonna get punishment from him. so full, last night. ate alot nice nice food at greatgrandma hse. a new baby call sarah, she so cute. everibody snatchin to carry her. when she cant find her mum, she start to make noise and cry. and uncle wee was lyk, "jia ni! do you noe tt you make mi carry you for so long, when you are a baby too. i carry you for about one or two hours, cos you will start to cry if i put eu down. because your mummy busy helping out in da kitchen leh." then i laugh lo. hahas. and one of my uncle put his ring tone as the alarm sound. then my grandaunt say, "people haven sleep, then you wake up ler." dumb lo. when far east plaza with bear todae. wanted to buy wallet der. but there no more ler. i always cant get what i want. but bear bought mi a bear neckless. i so happy can. then i was lyk"thank you" didn know what to say at that moment. love you so much luh. going down ler. then i say "OMG!" bear was lyk "what what what?" i say " nothing luh, the shop's name lo." bear go say, "on and off" i say, "what what" bear say, "nothing lar, sigh board lo. just wanna shoot you back only" dumb dumb. bear bought for mi. so sweet right ![]() ![]() he dont look werid right? but he think it is. hahas. ![]() PICTURES.
i wanted to upload. but i always forgot. going to my grandgrandma house later at night. should be fun there. hahas. and lots of nice food(x i painted tis. ![]() i did this on my desk in school(x when i was bore. hahas. ![]() to make it
sweet simple fast.. i type it super short can x) before it disconnect and i cant post again. hahas. tis week. i go, school home his house i watch, epic ghost rider. toking alot crap wit bear. kisses, hugs. todae no cca, i happy, cos is super bore. one week holiday coming, but seems tt i mus go bac school. and weather, keep raining! |