Junie, seventeen, it the last year of her secondary school life, that's a Yay.
drawing is a yes, but........ i'm kind of sick of it.i need new things okay. something fresh.
so i come here to post, hmmm? blogging. ha ha. okay where is the linked here. You might get confuse now.okay you wont understand what I'm thinking. teehee. men cologne, dream catcher, pretzel , kisses. |
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Design: doughnutcrazyIcon: morphine_kissed |
This is mr funny! LauKaeSiong. Today, I'm here to promote him. hahas(x hey. class end at 3.15. it's so tired luh. after that went to mac again. wanted clarence to help me buy fries. but end up i went to the toilet. went back there, but people are there. just so lasy to queue luh. end up didn't buy. and i'm so hungry now. never mind. now i just have to wait my mum to cook. dumb. mood swings. just want to tell you all something! it's so fun playing badminton with yuan fong and boon hao. me and elaine was playing double with them. half of the time was just laughing. hello(x had paper one today. and i just write all the crap luh. got extra physic and chem lesson der. but so good luh. miss kang went home, and no chem lesson for us. but she didn't even inform us. anyway i think, mr stupid is desmond today! keep splashing rain water at us. all the way from classroom till whitesands. then when food court eat dessert. and kian wei go say. "honeydew sago." but become, "honeydew sehgor'' lol luh. that's all for today. bye! i just feel so_________. many answer to fill this blank. no mood today so, i should stop here. and bye.
hello(x my blog is super dead now. Its a busy month and my comp doesn’t like blogger! And Clarence the bear gona help me. Hahas. Whatever, I’m writing now. Staying till very late to do lots of stuff, “For odyssey of the mind!” Hahas, but getting a lot of treats from teachers. We ate fast food . Because we stay back in school so late can. And when back to school even sat luh. Here some photo and video. during hard work and fun. ![]() So late ler. Nice picture rite, Boon hao takes der. Nice effect, with Elaine’s flash light. Hahas When we reached white sand about nine. Some ex-coral saw us, And their expression was like ARHS? Just left school? ![]() ![]() And I’m playing with Elaine’s nerdy antique spec. Hahas. This is what she wear luh. During competition. Agnes!!! ![]() To aim at her. Hahas, and I’m caught in the photo again. Argghh. ![]() Staying back in school till eleven plus. During the parent meeting. Boon hao, yuan fong and me the pathetic, was in the canteen. Doing some math worksheet tt Mr. lee gave us luh. So bore can. Sit there bout two hours ba. Waiting for Mr Lee And the rest that gone for tution. And I draw them. Can you guess who they are. Hahaha. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Everybody feeling so excited. Reach school bout seven. And miss lum did all the make up. And agnes, was playing wit the Nescafe machine. Hahas. And I was caught in photo again! Agnes, you can be detective luh! Something just screw up . First there wasn’t any power supply. and they give us 3 min to set up our props behind the line. And 8 min had start. But we still move our thing here and there. When aqif start to assemble the structure. Our time only left about 3 min plus. Not even acting till the structure testing part. But lucky, we still test the structure. It can withstand 25kg! hahas, and our structure only weight 17.9 gram. We had to stop and packed up. And we didn’t finish our act. This wasn’t what we expected. It’s so sad that we can’t finish acting. Anyway, it’s over. But at least we did our best and have so much fun. And blasting music in the DnT room. And all of us learned a lot can. Thank you to all. Teachers for Staying back with us till so late. And all the treats for dinner. And driving us home. Friend, that stay back wit us till so late, And waking up so early in the morning. to accompany us there. And supporting us. Clarence, for accompany me during stay back. And sorry for making you going home alone. Love you(x |