Junie, seventeen, it the last year of her secondary school life, that's a Yay.
drawing is a yes, but........ i'm kind of sick of it.i need new things okay. something fresh.
so i come here to post, hmmm? blogging. ha ha. okay where is the linked here. You might get confuse now.okay you wont understand what I'm thinking. teehee. men cologne, dream catcher, pretzel , kisses. |
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happy birthday to elaine. loves. school today! Zzz simply the ten of us sleeping in maths lesson. hahas, i didn't know what he teach. i just remember the monkey video. eh, okay that is bad luh. i think end up he off, and let us sleep, hahas. hope i don't get sick... lols, virus everywhere in my house. sleep at 6? keep talking on the phone last night. i'm sleepy, dead teddie now. crappss. hahahahahahas. so i went city hall today. walk here and there. okay i dunno how to go Bras Basah Complex. zzzzzzzz. ate sotong ball, hahas. with clarence tang<3 and from now i'm gonna record what clarence promise. ice cream from him. blehs. -,- zzzzzzzzzzzz
went bugis with clarence. we take bus there. bus uncle drive like wu gui. wanted to buy bag pack. but cant find nice one and all so big. end up all look like wu gui ke. keke saw shu mei(x 6monthslejiamingwoaini. i look blur,hahas. ![]() ![]() ![]() this morning my mama like force me wake up. anyway its 12 plus ba, lols. still not enough sleep. i fall asleep at 2 on the bed again when my mama bathing. she wake me up again, because we going out to cut hair. and i sit on the bed blur blur. staring at MTV channel. its was Edison Chen music video. ding dong, i saw my uncle. in his music video. HAHAHAHAS. he didn't change luh, lols. and i like that song now. when to cut hair, and my hair is short again. and the damn it is that my highlighted hair is still there. keke, hope mdm Lina don't catch me. because she ask me about it before. darling ask me to sleep early last night. it was one a.m. i was naggie, cause i didn't want to sleep. and he said zao shui zao qi shen ti hao. hahas, love him luh. so its father's day today. and whole family went out to eat lunch. hahas went all the way to causeway point, so its woodland. as usual food as celebration. i'm nice today to scoop ice cream. for my uncle. and he wanted all favour,zzzzzz. went to uncle's house again. adults play majong. i watch tv for the whole day, and missing bear. lucky went home quite early, otherwise i should be sleeping right now. i ate big big strawberries today. and i miss him loads. lalalalas, like how many days le. hope to see him soon. i want my phone, wth luh. boreeeee.
all i want to say is, i'm angry today. thats all. I'm here to post , while waiting for Clarence tang to chat with me. and that's me, me,me. because he is buffing his nails, no no, filing. okay, now cooking food for his dad, hahas! okays, went spot light today, with Clarence Rebecca and Jeremy. went to buy some stuff luh, for morbits. what's morbits??? take a look at my links. super dumb, had a damn cold dream last night. no more cold dreams please.
neoprints. ![]() ![]() ![]()
okay, no idea when this picture is taken. hahas, this man wanted us to take a photo of him.
happy birthday to Nicole. went to marina square today, with Clarence aiai. Kay, I'm so insist, even both of us tired luh. nah, just want to meet him. otherwise I'm gonna wait so long ,hahas. went to buy Nicole's present. we watch the movie "man in white" hahas, its a funny movie can. keep laughing. i love my bear. happy birthday to agnes today. i shall post pictures tmr. i'm lazy.
hope i won't hate that big METAL soon. [R.I.P] junie. 4 june 2007. aiai dun sad ler. anyway, today i so happy can. finally meet Clarence ler. we take mrt to vivo. and kind of lost in mrt. we take here and there. we like so blur, never see where the train is going. if still don't know we will take to sengkang luh. hahas, and went there to watch pirates of the Caribbean. we went to play the gachapon. he get the injection thingy. and want shoot me. and when simei to eat dinner again. dumb, and i forgot to take photo of a picture. i draw Clarence tang Jia Ming lo. and he say not cute. den dun want post. never mind, next time i post. keke, i dun care. i ye man. anyway, yesterday. Rebecca called me. then chat chat luh. like so long never talk to her. hahas! talk quite alot crap ba. hahas, and we want to open online shop soon. keke, sound super fun huh. fuck, the whole day just feel so bore. not a normal bore, its super bore. just imagine even the Internet bully you. and can't do anything. you switch on the TV you have, but no shows. just daydreaming the whole damn afternoon. seriously i really wanted to talk to you now. but never mind since you dislike it. in love you still. arrrgggghhh. I'm fed up with myself. i didnt mean it. really, i'm sorrrryyy. |