Junie, seventeen, it the last year of her secondary school life, that's a Yay.
drawing is a yes, but........ i'm kind of sick of it.i need new things okay. something fresh.
so i come here to post, hmmm? blogging. ha ha. okay where is the linked here. You might get confuse now.okay you wont understand what I'm thinking. teehee. men cologne, dream catcher, pretzel , kisses. |
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hellos, went MWOS.
the bus was hopping all the way. -,- make me so sleepy. and lesson today was not fun. hazel and i went out for a walk, hahas. went home, taking mrt again. thinking that i will meet darling. and what Nicole saw him. but not me, i walk too slow, lol. then ate burger king at dte with hazel. we ate kids meal. toy toy toy, so kiddy. and back home and went to sleep. ![]() ![]() just to add on for boon hao.
that day PE lesson. Mr lee was attacking him with the volley ball, throwing it with full strength. because he didn't want to play. lol. today, nothing much happened in class. but i'm super unlucky today. i was walking to throw packets of green tea during recess. and guess what?! ying yu hand was like chopping my head >,< i think he is behind me throwing the cup? and just nice that he swing his hand up then down? and choooooppp my head. but after school darling hand phone was confiscated by Mr ong. his daddy come down. ohh, i wasn't there, didn't want to get more trouble. and what a great daddy eh. gonna have chem test tomorrow. AGAIN, Zzz. the dumbest thing is! i have to memorise it over and over again after each test. poor memory. lets talk about last Friday, some idiots acted like some immature kids pushing around, and he bang into me. he did say sorry the next day. but what about you, weiming. you are the one who push ba? okays, Saturday morning went to MWOS workshop. we get to use photoshop and disturbing people, with their photos. and Ahmad so poor thing. those primary school kids like to use his photo, and making him so weird. seriously i dunno for what reason. hahas. went home, and meet darling about 4.30. hahas, went to bugis for shopping. nah, went there to wrap our phone. i super love my phone now. darling and me keep comparing, hahas, no mine nicer. lols, both nice luh. and that guy will remember me a blurest costumer? cause i was so blur, and i never answer his question, lols. today, the 19th, happy 8months darling, love you so much. he said , now I'm your longest stead ler. Mr tang is so cute right hees. and he is eating Ben and Jerry ice cream now , making me so jealous when i am doing my Geo home work. i want hug you. lalalalalalas. test test test for today, is like so irritating? keep stuffing things into brain. lol. Chinese, chem, then physic. Chinese was so-so. for chem, its just a revision paper, miss kang bluff us. how dare you. you big fuck lier. always tell lies. not the first time already. pe, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. the rest had PE theory test, those people who take badminton is free. so we played volley ball. well I'm suppose to run 2.4. but jolyn boon hao and i was sitting near the flat pole. mr lee and mr leong was there. i said, just fail me for my 2.4 run. and yes, he told me the same thing. is not whether you pass or fail, is about your health. you want to die soon arhs. and what, i nod my head. so we gonna look after your boyfriend for you? teachers i'm not gonna die so soon, just because of that bloody bone. lastly, physic on wave. i don't understand this topic. so hahahas. wheees, gonna have class bbq. and mr ng book the pit online in class. we know his age, hahas! today, went to tm. watch bu neng shou de mi mi, with darling. nice movie. went to fixed the handphone cover. nah not really, just that the lady was too violent so its fixed already. yarh and i want wrap my handphone soon. then accompany darling cut hair. went to buy magazine before going up. the granny was speaking hokkien. zzzzz, both of us dun understand. i shall blog now, I'm home alone at this moment.
the television is switch on, but I'm not watching it. hahas, weird habit huh, but I'm always like this when I'm alone. where are mummy and jiahui.? i was thinking that they will be coming home after the movie. never mind about what, cause I'm not starving at home. i just heat hot some curry chicken to eat. nice dinner. okays, this morning went to swim a couple of lap,with Agnes, Elaine, Jolyn and hui ping. i think i need to go swimming often, or i don't get any exercise, and i will get fat one day. because i hardly move around during PE lesson :x hahas, omg, its the truth. okays, and something is finalize I'm not gonna play roller blade on class outing. cause i was screaming all the way today afternoon. even though its a super short distance? my throat gonna get very pain. and ears might get infected too. yarh, theirs not mine. but overall today i feel that I'm like a baby sitter. Junie! water please, i want water. lastly went to Agnes house to get my bag. now I'm home. ohh darling, labi bike the handle really do not have the grip. hahhas, see you later luh. and i called darling and i was like ''i just feel like calling'', eeee, dumb. erm what is that.
yarh what is that? the dictionary tells me that it is continuous feelings of worry about your work and personal life that prevent you from relaxing. so how do you know that you are having stress. hair dropping from your head and become bald and soon looking like aunties and uncles? headache for no reason? use some kind of machines to test? many many tears just flow out? lols, just being a little curious here. I'm not emphasizing anything here. I'm so weird, so hahahhahahas. this morning, went to Sp again for MWOS workshop. as usual Nicole say that we are the earliest.
went there, had breakfast. hazel and me went to the ladies. on our way, talking happily and we saw a dead lizard. so disgusting. and the reaction for both was,, EEEE. done some cray modelling, i did a skull with brush hahas, and two rose. when back to pasir ris, ate lunch at KFC with Nicole hazel and Flinda. back home and thinking where i will be going, swim swim swim or go out with Clarence. and Clarence called me. well, so went out with darling. walked around at TM, cause i wasn't hungry. ate pastamania and went to buy darling white shoe. then take 81 bus to loyang point. saw Ridhwan Danial Ahmad at bus interchange. even though, i don't understand what they talking about, but i was laughing away. hahas, i was waiting for them to say byebye. but Ridhwan was like eh eh eh. wth, hahahas. after awhile went home le. picture time. ohh yeah. i draw something new , hahas. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I'm super hungry after i went to an art exhibition.
hahas, anyway we take mrt there. until bugis, and we walked to nafa. nice paintings. wheee. yesterday darling came my house, and we were doing some paper folding hahas, and only complete half a ball, look nice from far, but alot mistake ar, hahas. |