Junie, seventeen, it the last year of her secondary school life, that's a Yay.
drawing is a yes, but........ i'm kind of sick of it.i need new things okay. something fresh.
so i come here to post, hmmm? blogging. ha ha. okay where is the linked here. You might get confuse now.okay you wont understand what I'm thinking. teehee. men cologne, dream catcher, pretzel , kisses. |
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Design: doughnutcrazyIcon: morphine_kissed |
![]() Hey Hey, went to rebecca's house just now in the afternoon.
we smile to each other (: i smiled because ,, ,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i finally like press her door bell. i didn't know theres a door bell after so so long, maybe i'm blind, lols. so i always, knock knock, and not ding dong. i thought i will be going to her house early today. as i slept early last night like 9 p.m, but! i woke up like midnight feeling hot. complaining I'm perspiring to my mummy. lols, so i cant get to sleep, and i only fell asleep at 3 a.m. so as result, i still wake up late. -,- so i'm sick? lols, reb said that my voice changed. hahas. anyway, a bad day to paint, feel so sucky, when the painting look weird. eeeeee, hate that feeling. i will go crazy, so i decided to repaint(: and grandma just called. saying that we have another wedding dinner to attend. hahahas, FOOD~ :p and grandpa has to attend one extra dinner. like 3 dinner in a row, hahas. lols, i duno why i feel so excited, maybe its been such a long time i attend wedding dinner. or maybe i just wanna know whose that relative of ours. because i have no idea who are they, okay, I'm serious. okay, i'm damn MADDDDDDDD at someone. like WTF, weird people are all around! i given you respect because you are my sister's friend. girl, so don't push any further. I'm super shag now. Any kind soul wanna give me massage, lol. My god, Rebecca Agnes and me actually walked quite a distance today. From here to there , there to here, to stock up our goods (current asset, poa-,-), no wonder I'm super tired ;( We wanted to watch "enchanted" , but we decided not to. because poor Agnes need to study at home. keke. ![]() anyway, my little cousin came my house last Sunday. she's super cute, vain and a great singer. her way of remember things is like WOW. "Bomb Bomb Bomb ~ pom pom pom ~ arhhhhhhh ~
wait wait,,, 3.9 ar? pom~ wahhhh~ woahhh~ how many already. oie! HENG AR. again again,,, up up,,, don't come down now. oie! he turn then miss leh. wa~ i think today will success." ta ma de ~ -,- what are Clarence and Daryl talking about? hahahahas, its maple stuff. I'm talking on the phone with them now, I'm quiet. don't really know what they are talking about, I'm lost. but, quite fun eh, listen to their conversation. hahas, its cute anyway and amusing. darling, I'm not "ti gou" :D and how great would it be if there such things as teleport. if there is teleport, i can drink campbell's soup for supper, darling right? I'm hungry now, lols. i can cool darling too by fanning him, his complaining hot now, haha. having running nose means nose is running, lols. Omg Daryl, my nose is still here. crap~ as usual today, went to Rebecca's house to work. i painted Elmo design, hehe. Hello people(:
time to update my blog. i didn't had a good sleep last night, because of "HEADACHE". go die la,,,,,, headache,,,,,, pain like shit. anyway, darling came over my house yesterday. i meet him at loyang point first, to buy things. then we make almond jelly, infact he taught me how to make almond jelly. it delicious, and it taste like those selling outside ones. okay, know why he teach me, because i duno how to make. keke, okay i'm lousy. and almond jelly is which a simple dessert. mummy and me the almond jelly totally can't make it la. last time we tried, and it taste so "Yuuuucks". hahas seriously man, -,- then he helped me to down load maple. okay, then is like finally, my sister stop her nonsense already. she keep telling me, i'm bore, theres no maple, lols. then i played maple just now, like WOW. and i made my sis heart attack. hahas. i thought my weight was 40 kg. damn shocked alright , but there is an extra toe! i'm only 36 kg, hehee. ta dang~ and i perm my hair. well, Clarence darling can tag me while going out with me today, WOW, amazing!
spammers, i was with him the whole day. no need to help him say all the sweet sweet things and he will. and please, Clarence is not a twit person. '1314' sounds damn 'lao tu', so please use a nicer word. for example' forever' Spy Before You Spam okay, lets talk about today. so lets see, my hair still look so flat, because the jiejie went back to malaysia. gonna wait for next week, and i going to perm my hair. ![]() pull him in to toysRus, damn it la, I'm still a kid. i love toys, hehe. then arcade, i still play nothing there. but i like to daze, and look at you. i love you, clarence tang
hahas, nothing to do, and he asked me to blog. anyway, spammers are just morons, what they do is just disturbing people. and they feel better in this way? nah , just get a life spammers. hoho. i was damn happy last night,
dar dar, ask me to go over his place. he cooked pasta and chicken wings just now, and i think his cooking is better than me alot (: meet kai siong, and drink 1 dollar coke. ohh, junie love the colour green now.
every green object i see, i like it. lol, isn't green a colour of poison or jealousness. haha, whatever~ and you poison my mind already. i'm getting sweet dreams tonight, i think. goodnight people(; 3 hours, 2o mins, and its 2.25a.m
off to sleeps. went china town with Agnes, her sister and Rebecca's mummy. hahas, thinking that we can earn that 50 bucks, from being a model for hair dressing. but, they only allow 18 years old and above. there goes the 50 bucks, stupid rule. and the uncle think that i'm only 14 years old the most, zzz. i look so kiddy meh!-,- nvm, brought some stuff for haut monde. went OG , buy bra, hahas! then walk around. then accompany Agnes to buy her spec. wow, finally i think that some spec suit me, maybe i'm too into 'old school' and i love my bag(; just playing around. ![]() and whatever spec i try, my eyes seem to enlarge, scary~ hahas, is like FINALLY. ![]() wow, i do bite people, when i feel hurt.
okays, lets talk about happy stuff. went school for excursion yesterday, did some laughing. and the trip is super cool, shall upload pics soon. had dinner with friends at white sands shopping mall. went out at night with rebecca, accompany her to buy some stuff. and i got myself a pink dress too. woke up today, headed to rebecca's house to start work. wanted to go parkway, but is late already. and when tam again, hahas. everybody do something with a reason.
so , i just wanna know . and I'm sorry alright , for being such a irritating girl. fulfill a promise, i will. but will it last, its just a big question mark to me. and you wouldn't know how much energy is put to have a smile or even laugh. you wake me up that evening into a terrible dream. all i could do is sleep now, and wish to wake up and say 'ohh hello sweetheart.' all i could do is tired myself, and get more sleeps. three times you walked pass, i could only see your back view.
you could have say a hello or goodbye, and that will brighten my day. maybe i am a little girl, even though i'm 15 already. certain things people said and did , make me felt damn contended or happy. felt happy, even a packet of chocolate cookie i ate today. for a moment i could feel the happiness , that friends are concern(: you felt good/bad/guilty, i'm sorry and ilu. you should know me well enough. i shouldn't keep too much things like last time, so i think i should let it out. i will feel better rite, lol. bye people. |