Junie, seventeen, it the last year of her secondary school life, that's a Yay.
drawing is a yes, but........ i'm kind of sick of it.i need new things okay. something fresh.
so i come here to post, hmmm? blogging. ha ha. okay where is the linked here. You might get confuse now.okay you wont understand what I'm thinking. teehee. men cologne, dream catcher, pretzel , kisses. |
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Went out today with Clarence.
cos, we didn't get to go out during Christmas. we bought the same skinny jean at bugis. both of us happy to core can. super skinny cutting and the length is like just nice for us also. both bought a pen, like finding for it so long already. told my neighbour arif and he thinks i'm lame. hahas, whatever~ then ate kobayashi at east point. and meet daryl and he was talking . went andy house, like for fun? lol la. and and, darling! i didn't buy my mag yet. its christmas already. went to aunty house today, as usual she feed me till i'm super duper full.
a photo my my aunty and my mum. ![]() after stuffing so so much of food and white wine. there is still a log cake, hahas. ![]() i'm like chatting with my neighbour arif at msn. talk about some silly stuff about us during last time. i remembered we would go to each other house to borrow telephone. hahas, see la, never bring key. played with his chicken, and we stay in hdb flat okay. and we wanted to make the chicken fly. okays, that's silly uh. he also made the parrot bang the cage. and he gave me the feather, i think i still have it in one of the box. and today, i know why he treat the parrot that way!. cos , the parrot always choose him, and to shit on. what a bad parrot, and he let he parrot fly alway. no wonder , no parrot. he also shoo off boys for me when we were in primary school! like big brother yea? cos after school some guys teased me. and and he say, he boys gave me some love letter. then i didn't open, i should be thinking that it super lame, hahas! so he open it for me, and he read it. and he told me , that time the letter was super lame! some kind of three lines poem, with BIG letters! okay, i couldn't remember pls! omg, i'm like wondering whose that guy who give me. if i know i think i should be laughing like mad girl now. lol. ![]() Mummy, listening to radio now. some Tamil radio station. #@!~^&#?~~ Chua chu kang, @#%-~@# i think that person live at that area? there's a song is like endless one , scary~ so next radio station. mum : Junie, who sing this song? me: hmmmm, Fei xiang ar? sound like his voice. mum: nono, its Andy lau. and i tell you ar, never have Andy lau disc, even I'm the fan of him last time. okay, like so lame, cos she always ending up buying other English singers. mummy finally knew about me and Clarence. hahas, i told her. yarh, i kept it from her like super long, well, I'm a good acter a coward, yea? lol. and this few days she been asking, why didn't he msg or give you a call, so late already leh. lol, I'm like use to it already, if it last time, i would be sad. but what to do, I'm use to it cos, his been training his maple stuff for quite some time. and, darling doesn't wanna talk to me, he says that I'm bo liao today.
cries, but there is tmr , haha. the pass few days, I'm at my cousin's house. having fun, like playing play dough : took some pics of my master piece. LOLs. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Majong cards : teaching my aunt to play. we laugh like mad people, those laughters till no sound at all. but , my uncle didn't laugh at all, i swear it was damn funny. my aunty, exchange cards, in majong, anyway theres no rules of changing any cards. the very next day during dinner. my uncle make us laugh like shit again. know why? my mum, she wanted to say my "turn", but ending up my "tun" so my uncle disturbed her and the cycle of laughing starts when I'm like drinking soup. the worst thing was, my uncle start laughing because he say,,,,,,, he didn't get to laugh the last night, as he was just damn tired after his golf match. lmaos. food: I'm sure i get fatter, after all her delicious food. shopping: and aunty got a charles and keith bag for me as christmas gift, hehe. ![]() ![]() ![]() went out with darling yesterday. caught a movie, the golden compass, i think its nice. i'm sure theres a part 2. but darling say, he will be to lazy to watch the part 2. ,,,,, ![]() The Bottom LineYour warm charm will be your greatest asset today, so unleash your brightest smile! In DetailYour charm will be your greatest asset today, so unleash your brightest smile whenever you can. And try to keep smiling even if things become less than pleasant. The little mountains you climb every day are life's way of keeping you on your toes, so do not let yourself get frustrated if the same old issues keep popping up. Getting things settled once and for all requires continued effort. You just have to keep plugging away -- and then annoyances will go away. i saw this in friendster, and yarh! Junie Junie, you're such a coward. just go forward and say everything out, you idiot. yarh, turn out good or bad, it will get settled,,,,, and no more keeping thing from mummy. effort effort and effort. Go junie Go. Okays, seriously i cant stand myself now, like wth la. receive a sms, and it says,,
"Zhu ren! Happy anniversary! vinkie." Yes, 19Dec06, was one year back from now. 19Dec06 the night before, i followed him to his friend's chalet. hahas, stuck there because of the heavy rain. played cards, killed mosquito, had breakfast early in the morning like 4 am. like dead pple, due to lack of sleep, lain on each other, to take short naps. The very next day, Clarence asked me. Till today we are still together. happy one year anni. hees, and i wanna say i love you loads. is like everyday I'm saying the same old word, awwwww, but please! don't get bore. cos , I'm not good in expressing and my english is so poor and stuff. damn, I'm exxxxxittttttted(: I'm going out with him tmr. must be thinking, why I'm called as zhu ren, hmmms i don't why too. i think is because we four use to play, the bear family thingy. and vinkie is called as mouse, hahas. cos pinky vinkie sound alike, so pinky and the brain( the cartoon?) so vinkie is a mouse. haha His the one that always remember our anni. So, I'm here to blog, when nobody's is reading it. But who cares, just keeping memories here.
because, I'm such a forgetful girl. I'm like talking on the phone now, with them playing maple again. I think this will become a habit. it's good or bad? Hmmmm, i don't know. All i know is, i wanna go swimming, and the feeling is like everyday i want it. Fuck, i don't wanna go back that bloody place every six months. i hate it, and its seems to be worst after every six months. Nono, should be, everyday that bone of mine is getting worst. Worst, worst and worst :( Yarh, whatever is it. Went Rebecca's house, yan yee came today. had the feeing again. people looking at me when painting, its pressure. Anyway, thats Rebecca's leg. hahas, mould on her leg. scary~ hahas ![]() see whats this! it was like this when i bought it. then i messsssss it up. hahhaas, you should know how it look like , after mess. after few days of figuring out it with help of family and clarence, but it still doesn't look like this anymore. awwwww, how sad. ![]() ,,,,,,, this was sunday's pictures, ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Hmmm, Friday's pictures. Ohh, i went to Hort park at don't know where. -,- with Liyan, Mdm and her two daughters. Both daughters are pretty can, so don't think that teacher's children are nerd. After getting the prize, then i rush to that bloody place. but mummy and sis are late. so sat there, waiting like an idiot. -,- Myhardwork, and it turn out weird? and it will always be there, unless theres no hort park. hehe. ![]() her design is nice la. hahas. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() and i love this picture, taken by reb at expo. hahas. hahas, introduce by a friend. quite a nice song, i think its meaningful. hahas.
"So when you're tired and frustrated you can always count on me" anyway, i stay at home again-,- daddy luh , suddenly wanna go for a hair cut so bring mummy along. then i'm at home with sister. so no shopping for today again, :( never mind then, just continue drawing the draft. left with angel, urgent la. but no inspiration can. Aiya Junie ,,,, go outside take a walk sure got inspiration. see old man play chess also can, Go Go Go. HAHAS, but i'm lazy. have a cook dinner today. mummy not at home. i'm cooking bee hoon kuey. (; tadang, its my favourite dish, with chilli padi. yummy yummy. wanna try? Hahas. ![]() hmmm, have something else to update. , ,, ,,, ,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,,,, i think is..... Agnes blog! http://tillwebreakdown.blogspot.com/ her photos of her young time, so cute la. i shall upload too? hahas. typical cute hair style for all young kids are? , ,, ,,,, ,,,,, The straight cut. bloody idiot. ( ! ) ![]() i just started using the comp, i let my sis play maple the whole day -,- anyway, on the 29th nov, it was my sister birthday. she went out with her friends. i went out too ,with pretty agnes and rebecca. and we left our mummy at home, hahas, and she told me that, she was super bore. and of course, she on the comp and play. haha. so that day i went to school with reb , and agnes still having photo taking. haha, with net ball girls. damn, its so cool alright, why art club doesn't have it. :( anyway, the photographer look damn professional, unlike the pass years. hope next year's, year book will be nice? so i was laughing at the photographer at that time , hahas his posture. we bought ours books and i only bought 3 books. and a set of new uniform, just cost 40 bucks. like lol, i can buy the books next year la, 3 books only. we 3 went to TM. caught a movie, "enchanted" nice movie, but really quite lame. we did laugh. (: the sad thing was i want to cross my leg. but i was wearing dress, so too BAD. yesterday, i drew a mermaid. lalalalalas, damn happy, i think its nice ^^ it was my first time drawing a mermaid. teeheee, not being proud or whatever~ i'm just happy. ![]() today, i never went out. suppose to go shopping with mummy, but in the end change plan :( Awwwwwwww, i miss Clarence badly luh. how long already we didnt meet, we didn't chat on phone, or even sms. he is busy playing his maple, just like my sis. I'm nice right? ahahas. let him have his time. hehe, darling, i'm a good girlfriend, yea? haha, i love you. |