Junie, seventeen, it the last year of her secondary school life, that's a Yay.
drawing is a yes, but........ i'm kind of sick of it.i need new things okay. something fresh.
so i come here to post, hmmm? blogging. ha ha. okay where is the linked here. You might get confuse now.okay you wont understand what I'm thinking. teehee. men cologne, dream catcher, pretzel , kisses. |
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Today, I have physic lessons. Principal was in the lab with us. I think mr ong was super nervous . Practical work book, but he say, theory book and we corrected him. Three years in this school, and you know what? I have early recess today. Omg, it's like always late for recess and stuff because, teachers are so talkative. but Mr Fazial, said if we can answer his question, we get to go down immediately. yeah, my class was so clever that we managed to answer it correctly. on the way down to canteen. he kept saying " class, we're going to the library." i think he didn't want other classes to know. lmaos, such a cute teacher. As you can see, we're all tired, because of the timetable. Exhausted! Keep begging teachers to give us break. Nothing really goes into my brain. I'm just too tired to study. After school i went to beach, ate chicken pie. Enjoying the breeze there with darling. I took pictures, me and him singing some weird song, because i started it. lol. hahhas, and i watched how yuenian and yi cheng buried their dead fish. Its going to be a cemetery there, SOON. If they continues. Shall post photos tomorrow ? I don't know is my phone not working or his. hahahhhaas, i took silly photos, under a coconut tree. . ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Labels: everywhere have ants. :( ohh yarh, i really hate guys that are useless. ( not mentioning about anyone) Hello! guys! dexter! don't ever get help or solution from me.Because, you may just irritate me. it's just a simple problem and bloody straight forward. He's getting so freak out! this make me think that , I'm more darling than a guy. heh. anyway, i have a cool maths teacher. he really buttoned his shirt all the way up like us for two days. hahahahas, his one of the funniest teacher, which is mr pek. teachers wanna know how to make a big star. hahas, like uh? both of them wanted to give their wife. valentine day is coming soon, hmmmm, next months. hey, help me make, hey teach me. which is more sincere ? -,- yesterday, i went out with mummy, we meet reb at white sands first. pierce my ear with her. like after so so long, i finally pierce it. since sec one, i wanted it. soon, every single one (girl / guys) , having lots of piercing and i changed my mind. and its so so common, yarh i confess that , i want to be unique freak. weird thinking or whatever, i wanna be unique. but now i change my mind and i wanna have a triangle on the ear, lol. then, rebecca was saying that, some people pierce and they went blind. it freak me out, till i didn't want it. lol. back to mummy, then we went shopping. haven have enough time to shop, and all the shops are closing already. hahas, i love the tees at edc. i bought mac back, I'm like eating so much. chatting with my mum , and i suddenly say that, i want a tattoo from miami/la ink. if so coincidence, that i bumb into them. lol. their tattoo, is like so chio. you will agree with me, trust me. i always watch their tv program, and Kate Von D, is so damn cool. the 18 stars on her face. I'm drinking water now, i remember it myself like wow. i tend to forget, dumb~ i have tang tang aiai, to remind me always. hees, love him la. Labels: i'm lacking of beauty sleep. i like pe. looking forward for pe. hahhahas, but, i never want pe all along, i'm such a oink oink. i like it, is just jumping, hahahhahas. late week, was high jump, did it during primary school. yesterday was long jump. omg, i think the way i jump like so funnnnnnyyy, i land on the sand, and piak~ sand everywhere on me. hakim and afiq, pouring sand in class room. LOL. from their shoes. cca, we play a retarded game, where by we paste blank paper at our back. talk to people, see how they feel, and get comments from them. then, play some game. maths, was funnnn. mr pek loves to enterain us? he show us magic and video. how cool uh. lol, he asked me how we fold the big star. hahas! you owe me 30 stickers, right? Labels: pe isn't that bad after all. Few days ago, i can't really remember what i did?
JUST REMEMBER, i spent my day shopping at town and, i bought my blouse at white sands. how dumb. school was fun today, did laugh like mad with Elaine in the morning. hmmm, and news from Kian Wei, he's good in spreading "xi shi" hahahahahas, so Ji po, but whatever~ i still changing people's name to letter "B". since last week , see nadia the badia taught me. So, junie becames, Bunie. wow, bunny. hope agnes's tummy feeling much better. anyway, school doesn't want us to cross the zebra crossing. hmmmm, i wonder why? lol, i think we should fly next time. Yesterday, was darling birthday.
we went out, with vinkie too. and they have the shopping mood! hahas, is like out of 10 chances, only 2 or 1 they have that mood? so we went marina square, suntec, and bugis. we didn't get much thing except Vinkie's skinny, and we laugh like mad in that shop. With the sales girls there. seem like we keep eating non stop, especially darling. they ate lunch outside, then snacks at don't know what time. then we didn't have dinner, -,- so darling and me when 24 hours to eat, supper. lol. share chicken cutlet rice, ABC soup. he bought one more packet, he really eat alot, compare to me. MAYBE, i'm the one who eat lil rice at home. so we walked home. he thinks my cheese cake is nice. hahas, i'm feeling better and happier you know?. cos my sis says, it "not" nice. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO KAE SIONG.
it means darling birthday is tmr, haha. Anyway,Shirlyn was thinking of going out on 1feb, to have dinner. hahhas, i think i can't wait to go out with my primary school friends. like how long ago?...... SO I'm excited already. school, was boring. physic, chem, mt, and then Eng, see all the boring subject for today. and i see my physic teacher almost everyday this week, so if the timetable is change for next week and it continue with the " everyday see Mr Ong" . i will be sick of his face and his homework. plus, he doesn't know how to kill mosquitoes. many homework, eh, how to survive , LOL. I did something just now, my hands are aching la -,- haha. time flies~
so can time pass slowwwwwlllllllllyyyyyyy~ just half an hour slower? then, i will have half an hour more of sleep. lalalalalalalalalalalalas. mosquitoes bites :( Woah, I finished my home work. Junie is such a good girl uh.
and I'm like doing research now, for art. hmmmmm, n levels art, so early uh? I get the question paper like last year. lol. I can say, i choose a stupid theme. not many picture i found, yeah art. like what Mdm Lina say,,,, many idea, cant just simply talk about it. we need to like know how to draw it out. but now i can't find a single thing about yu huang da di. lmaos. Tang Dynasty stuff are hard to find leh, wth. BUT IF I CAN FIND THOSE THING OUT, i think i will be super cool. haha. okay okay, i'm too carried away. isn't tag boards are for war to start, right Rebecca? now i know why spammers are such a morons. ;x but some blog owners, are just much much morons too. no brains, no power. haha, vulgarities helps you know, okay thats crap. it's so amusing. recently i think I'm immune about some stuff already. hoho. But not on this. Do you know that i hate my timetable now! end at 4.15. While other schools, express students end at school at bloodly 2 plus. They get to go home earlier compared to last year. Okay, I'm jealous. :( ![]() Maybe I'm just tired. i have no appetite since yesterday, and I'm always hungry in class. I have a cool social studies teacher you know, he tells us about his trip during overseas. its always like so funny and omg,,,,,, his Italian slang in class just now. I have the sweetest boyfriend.
Agnes, is not in the class for two days, and its like WeIrD. haha, miss her voice. today school, is super boring like SHIT. sit sit sit, back aching blah blah blah. looking at my bag pattern, make it even worst, zig zag zig zag, and i was feel like sleeping.
...... its 2008, which means i'm going to school tmr.
Carrying the heavy school bag, doing home work, and waking up early. hungry like shit, ranting in class, saying that I'm hungry... awww, isn't it boring. but, did have fun last night, meet darling, then went to chee wai chalet. off to salon, also with bernie and vinkie and mouse. the whole night, there's always this question, is my hair messy? from bernie. omg, now a days guys are pretty vain too and it's like worst than girl uh. heh. and darling clarence wanted to show us magic. hahahahas, with a five dollar note. should i say it out... hmmmm, better not. i was amazed, waiting him to continue, blur for a second. then bernie show his trick at arcade, and TADANG~ the result also failed. anyway, we played silent hill, hahas. they screaming like shit. not the high pitch type. then a little boy join in the screaming. Do we know him? uh uh, nope. SO, we bought drink, sat some where. wanted to take pictures,, and they don't want. blah blah blah. And A RAT, A FAT ONE!, ran under my legs. damn it la. super grooooooosssssssssssssssssssssss. THEN, zhang lang. scream,,,,, and i make a passerby shocked. |