Junie, seventeen, it the last year of her secondary school life, that's a Yay.
drawing is a yes, but........ i'm kind of sick of it.i need new things okay. something fresh.
so i come here to post, hmmm? blogging. ha ha. okay where is the linked here. You might get confuse now.okay you wont understand what I'm thinking. teehee. men cologne, dream catcher, pretzel , kisses. |
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I feel like baking cupcakes soon leh! There's is urge trying to make me learn how the make cupcakes. as i spent my time surfing the net and, i found many recipes, they look so delicious but too pretty to be eaten. It make me feeling like having them so ya. i want brownie cupcake with orange butter icing. Hmmm, have i say i love choco with orange too. Damn, i have spoiled eyes, like what my mum says. links, http://www.cupcakefun.com/ideas/ -- Anyway, the 24th Wanling's birthday, gave her a surprised at bus interchange after her leadership course. I bought her a small cake (: Hahhaas, they walked damn slow, Jolyn will know too. and she super evil, i got tricked by her like many times, When she says, "Wanling and all coming!" Ya like many times! Junie never get trick so many times in a row. How dumb can i get that day. Followed by 27th? it was elaine's birthday too. We celebrated at her house after leadership course. Hahas, i love her sushi and granny cooking, i said that many times i think.
So on that her i think i'm the very nice one hor. Aye,,,, Elaine! say yes? Know why cos i never "gong ji" lol, i think the rest did. Anyway the leadership thingy duration was about 3 hours. Before going to ava room agnes and the rest disturbing one chinese guy. They asked him to take his clothes off, since he was feeling hot at that time . PLUS for don't know what reasons everyone keep laughing, lol. The heh heh heh ? because of desiree laughter? I'm back to school, the third day today, which is 70 days to N level. Okay, i feel damn panic lo, 70 day leh.
How how how. lol~ one minute i'm thinking of study real hard bucking up my physic, but i feel like sleeping, so yea, i slept in class again during free period. Yarh i know! i'm wasting alot of time uh. hahas. OHHH ya, i want say something! My malay boy classmate bullied me... Cos there's a pimple on the side of the nose? Okay, i hate pimple, ouch it's those that you will feel the pain when you touch. Anyway, now i know how pimple hurts so much, like after so long. hahas. ----- Well well, holiday, are okay? I fell sick on the last week, which everyday i have painting session in school. My progress suppppppper dupppppper slow. I think art teacher feeling worry man. because I'm really spend many many days on two panels. :( and i when for check up again. This time my mum and i almost burst into laughter while the doc was talking. He must be thinking why this two woman are so damn weird. Anyway, inside joke. Cos the doc. never talk more then a sentence before. I don't even know why every half a year i'm going up check ups. Yarh, i will get an answer like, "worsen and wear it!" after 2 hours. and he doesn't say anything like how to take care or whatever. I don't feel like his a doctor, zzz. Maybe a tape recorder playing (: ps: I have tons of pictures, but lazy to post. bleh, maybe some days. Ohhmy, I'm damn lazy to finish art, but i'm going to school next week? can even imagine the 7 hours in the art room. I should be sitting one corner while the rest has finish half of their canvas? Hahs, radio music, green tea and chips (: But how?!?!? I am gonna paint soon , but not even finishing my colour samples yet. Realising that, I hasn't touch my homework. Lots of it, okay. Well i think i'm starting to feel the panic! awwww, i hate that = pull hair At least, i feel a little happier because i get my cpu already. yeah yeah means no more lousy laptop, but I'm stll using a kuku screen now, eyes hurts! So that day darling and vinkie the mouse, help me carry the stuff. Waited for 2.5 hours for the person to assemble the computer parts. We headed to marina square again. It's always marina, i don't why. hahas Off to food court, it's my first time, lol. Darling and i ate some hongkong food, Bake rice with cheese on top, then headed to my house. I think my mum was too friendly please. Till vinkie was feeling damn shy. Yea, he told me, i didn't quite believe at first but, after seeing his ears. Hahas, laughs' red at the top! So conclusion i'm damn broke now. Ya so, sorry agnes, i didn't when out with you guys that day. hahs Cos i know is damn boring to shop with no money in the pocket, Okie lets cry~ i'm gonna start saving soon. Cos i want vintage shoes and bags, LOLs. -- WED ----- darling come. We watch shows on net, and ate over night chicken wing. But still nice okay, we made mint Choco too. Ton over night, but damn funny. I let clarence sleep alone in the study room with my hello kitty quilt. I think he didn't sleep well. 6 and 7 June was Agnes and Nicole's birthday yo. i went out on Friday, to celebrate Agnes birthday. okay, there's surprise hahas. anyway we watched congkat the movie, okay horror movie leh. and we watch it at freaking midnight! for sure girls will feel scare and then scream right? damn it, i swear it was my first time screaming because of horror movie it's not because it's scary ;/ rahhhh, the movie was really shocking! , Nicole was right please, hahs. so of cos we took photos, but i don't have birthday girl photo. jolyn. ![]() rebecca lim. ![]() wanling. ![]() keep trying and trying. winks' i look so ugly :( .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . so rebecca was eating her delicious mint choco cake. while i took this picture! ![]() then you think la, what happen . . . . . . . . . . . . . cake drop lo. ![]() moral of the story is don't try to take photo while your friend is having a food (: okie,. i'm bore bore bore. -- ohh ya, yesterday was Sunday , 8 eight. it's Christmas. 0,0 you know what, SBS bus stated MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR! how stupid (: i almost laugh like mad dog alone while waiting for Elaine and wen yi early in the morning. yes, we went swimming yeah yeah ten leaps. I'm lacking of stamina leh. we met a ear plugs guy that love touches wall and a pair of short wings. okay, Elaine will know what I'm refering to, hehheh. weirdos~ ![]() i polished my sister's nails and some heart shapes. hahahahhas, i have a hobby when i'm gettting boring . i tend to grab fingers, and do nice things to their nails. evening cutting their nails okay. Don't you know i'm a weirdo? grins =D sometime i really do love heart shape. Labels: pretty nails yea, I'm back from my cousin's house last night. i had Lotong, my mum cooked that dish yo. super duper delicious, i love spicy food, hahs, really. ohh ya, Friday night uncle wanted to bring us to eat thai food. but the shop was closed, such a waste lo. (sour plus salty and spicy) then that night, we ate cheese cake. it's always eating and eating at their house. so besides Tv-ing, playing majong, and sleep. we the vain pot also cam wore, hahs. and i was wearing a green blue shorts , aunty said i look taller with it. then uncle said it look boxers, like his. ![]() My cutie DR. Nat ![]() DR.Junie that just woke up. ![]() yarh, it's the famous specs now, everyone acting like a nerd. i think this is cute , because it's pink. with this spec, there should be a retarddddddd picture of me right. . . . . . . . . . . . ![]() so more piccys. ![]() ![]() ![]() wanna bite some? i love my jelly bean nails. Before drawing natalie learned her spelling so i test her and everything first. just in case she's sleepy and lazy, cos she has school today. then we were happily drawing, blah blah blah, i told aunty that she learn her spelling already. you know what, she learned the wrong thing. it should be ting xie, chinese spelling -,- so i drew this. ![]() it give me little surprises with many different colours and patterns. ![]() and also colourful sweets. ![]() i think last wed i went out with darling and vinkie the mouse. we went loyang point to have our dinner, hahas. western food, yum yum. then headed to raffle city shopping centre, helped mr mouse to choose his gift. i told him to get a musical toy, darling told him a get a necklace too. hahas, so you see, when you open a box you will see the necklace followed by another surprise below. awwww, so nicely done lo. i want this kind of present also. i think the girl must be very happy to core la, receive such a detail present. the aunty that sell the neckless use me as a model hahas. she was very nice and friendly. she was making eye contact with me man. telling me to ask darling to get a necklace for me too, hahs. so well, i didn't get anything that day again. ya, it's again. so vinkie ask her whether she think i'm how old? she say i look like 17 years old. i was overjoy, i think i said YES!, hahas i don't know why. maybe is because many people are saying that i still look like 13 years old kiddo. when actually i'm 16 already, so she was like hmmm, no? younger ar? hahas, then she was like can't be what, so developed already. LOL. one minute i feel like a kid, next minute i think that i'm very old. ![]() ![]() ![]() and he took more than half an hour a write a sentence on the birthday card. ![]() ![]() Drawings again, i drew Mr lee and his wife. but, i think his quite disappointed. i feel super disappointed too, cos i doesn't look like them leh. ![]() Labels: drawings, food, overnight, photos |